Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Scholars Program (KL2)
Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek advice from, and work with, the program leadership, members of the Multidisciplinary Advisory Committee (MAC), faculty, or mentors in the development of their applications.
Please use 11-point font with no smaller than 0.5-inch margins. Combine all parts of the application materials below into a single PDF. Be sure to follow the links indicated for additional descriptions of materials needed. Please be sure to follow all instructions.
Application Deadline: March 13, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. for a July appointment.
For more information about the application process, please click here.
To access the recording of our informational session, please click here.
Application Materials
- Cover page: Follow this link to begin your application. Once you have entered your information, you will be able to submit the document to register the application. You will be provided with instructions on how to print this page, which will serve as the cover page of your application.
- Abstract (less than one page)
- Career Development Plan (maximum 2 page total): (Please write a 5-year plan)
- Background: Describe the candidate’s educational background and commitment to a career in Clinical and Translational Science. Describe previous research activities, publications, and experiences that explain research efforts at this point in the candidate’s career. Provide evidence for ability to collaborate with other physician-scientists and potential to become an independent investigator.
- Career Goals: Describe past experiences and training that provide evidence for a candidate’s commitment to their projected career goals. Explain areas in need of additional career development training to become an independent investigator.
- Career Development Training: Describe structured activities, such as coursework or technique workshops that are part of the training plan. Include a percentage of time involvement for each activity by year, and explain how the activity is related to the proposed research. Describe a plan for team mentoring, including frequency of meetings with mentors and other pertinent information.
- Specific Aims (not to exceed 1 page) (Please write a 5-year plan): State precisely the goals of your proposed research and summarize the expected outcome or outcomes, including the impact that the results of the proposed research will exert on the research field or fields involved.
- Research Strategy (maximum 6 pages total, excluding references) (Please write a 5-year plan):
- Significance: Explain the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses.
- Approach: Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted as well as any resource sharing plans as appropriate. Be sure to include a timeline that reflects your proposed accomplishments.
- References: Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Research Strategy.
- Environment (maximum 2 pages)
- Updated CV
- Mentoring:
- One letter of Support from Primary Mentoring Team (maximum 1 page total)
- Biosketches of Primary Mentors
- Letter of Support from Department Chair/ Division Chief (maximum 1 page total)
- If you are a non–U.S. citizen, a copy of your permanent residency card.
Please note we are specifically requesting CVs from the applicant and Biosketches from the mentors because of the information contained in each.
Appendixes are not allowed for this proposal. A proposal that exceeds the page limitation will be returned to you without review.
Applicants who are re-submitting their application are permitted 1 additional page to respond to reviewers’ comments. Reviewers will be aware that your application is a resubmission.
Uploading your application
Once you have gathered all of your materials into one final, combined PDF, please click here to upload your application.

Application Cycle
October 18 – March 13