Looking to expand, deepen, and refine your skills as a medical educator? These practical and engaging online mini courses will super-charge your teaching game!
- 4-week courses taught by skilled clinician-educators
- Timely topics in medical education
- Hands-on practice and expert feedback
- Small class-size so you can connect with your colleagues.
- 4 hours of work per week (2 asynchronous; 2 synchronous)
- Complete one course and earn a badge!
- Complete all six courses and earn an ICRE Med Ed Faculty Development Program Certificate of Completion!
- Cost: $400 per course

What participants are saying
"An extremely useful Med Ed Development program for busy faculty. I have applied a lot of ideas and strategies to daily teaching, assessment of learners and mentees, feedback and curriculum development. I am better at my job today because of this program. Kudos to the instructors."

Noor Khan, MD
Attending Physician
Clinical Associate Professor
Associate Director, UPMC Obesity Medicine Fellowship
"ICRE Med Ed FD program was such a wonderful opportunity to learn medical education with diverse colleagues across GME during my fellowship training. It certainly changed my perspectives on teaching."

Kento Sonoda, MD, AAHIVS
Fellow, UPMC Addiction Medicine Fellowship
Co-Chair, Resident Fellow Association Committee, UPMC Graduate Medical Education
Curriculum Development in Medical Education
Instructor: Deborah DiNardo, MD, MS
Discover a flexible 6-step approach to curriculum development in medical education that can be applied across learner levels and educational settings.
Effective Feedback
Instructor: Sarah Merriam, MD, MS
Discover a framework that can help you optimize feedback to maximize learner growth, and work through common affective challenges to giving (and receiving!) feedback.
Teaching Clinical Reasoning
Instructor: Eliana Bonifacino, MD, MS
Acquire the language, knowledge, tools, and techniques to effectively teach and assess clinical reasoning in your learners.
Effective Mentoring
Instructor: Erika Friehling, MD, MS
Develop skills and tools to build and maintain productive and satisfying mentoring relationships at every career stage.
Teaching for Retention
Instructor: Andrea Carter, MD, MS
Discover research-based theories about how people learn and apply them to help students learn more deeply and retain their knowledge longer.
Coaching and Remediating Medical Knowledge
Instructor: Andrew Klein, MD, MS
Learn how to identify learners who are struggling with insufficient medical knowledge, and coach them effectively. Discuss ways to meet the needs of specific learners and programs.
The reviews are in!
"The group meetings were invaluable, first in that they gave me an opportunity to articulate my thoughts to a bright group, and second (and even more so) in that I got to hear others speak about their plans. This completely opened up my perspective on how I should be thinking about curriculum development."
"It was probably one of the most useful courses I have attended ever."
"I have really needed a structured way to approach my learners who are struggling. This course helped me to identify why they might be struggling so I can respond appropriately. It also gave me tools to help me improve my teaching for those who are doing well."
"The instructor was exceptional. She explained concepts clearly and concisely. I learned a lot from her examples and information presented during the synchronous meetings was very helpful for our learning and discussion."
Series is being revised, check back soon for updates. Contact Megan Miller with questions.