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Grant Opportunities

We are committed to providing excellent opportunities for our trainees and to keeping them informed about funding for clinical and translational research. Below is a list of resources that might be of interest. Pitt’s Office of Research, Health Sciences website also maintains a list of Funding Opportunities. You can also browse through the more than 60 Training Grants at Pitt here.

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA)

The Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA) supports physician scientists at the Assistant Professor rank who are conducting clinical research, including research on any disease area, health outcomes, or health services. There will be a webinar on Wednesday, October 5, to talk more about the CSDA and address any questions from potential applicants. The deadline to submit pre-proposals is November 17.

Weill Cornell Medicine Career Advancement for Research in Health Equity (CARE T37) program

The Career Advancement for Research in Health Equity (CARE T37) Program provides early exposure to health equity research and global health for pre- and post-doctoral trainees. The deadline to submit applications is January 16.

LGBTQIA+ Research and Outreach Endowed Fund

The LGBTQIA+ Research and Outreach Endowed Fund was supported enthusiastically by the Pitt community at last year’s Day of Giving after having been shepherded by Pitt Queer Professionals into endowment status.

Deadline for the upcoming funding cycle: Feb. 15. For more information, click here.

Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

This program supports early career scientists, particularly individuals from groups underrepresented in the life sciences, who have the potential to become leaders in academic research. Fellows will receive funding for up to four years of their postdoctoral training and may continue to receive funding for up to four years during their early career years as independent faculty. To view eligibility requirements and to apply, see the Program Announcement. Applications are due by December 7, 2022. .

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Funding Opportunities

The RWJF funds a wide array of research and initiatives


American Heart Association Research Programs

The American Heart Association offers several funding opportunities that may be applicable to ICRE trainees.


New T32 Training Program in Antimicrobial Resistance at Pitt

This program, offered by the Division of Infectious Diseases, will be of interest to postdocs who would like to study antimicrobial resistance of bacterial, fungal, or viral pathogens. Candidates can choose from a number of training opportunities and from a broad roster of excellent mentors. Interested candidates can learn more here.


Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine Training Program at Pitt

This postdoctoral program, offered by the Departments of Psychiatry, Medicine, and Psychology, is designed for physicians (including third- and fourth-year residents) and PhDs in psychology and related behavioral disciplines. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


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