Improving health outcomes, practice, and policy
Dedicated to creating an anti-racist, equitable, inclusive environment through educating the next generation of clinical and translational researchers and medical educators.
What We Do

Dedicated to creating an anti-racist, equitable, inclusive environment through educating the next generation of clinical and translational researchers and medical educators.
What We Do
Grant Opportunities
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA)
The Clinical Scientist Development Award (CSDA) supports physician scientists at the Assistant Professor rank who are conducting clinical research, including research on any disease area, health outcomes, or health services.
Weill Cornell Medicine Career Advancement for Research in Health Equity (CARE T37) program
The Career Advancement for Research in Health Equity (CARE T37) Program provides early exposure to health equity research and global health for pre- and post-doctoral trainees.
Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
This program supports early career scientists, particularly individuals from groups underrepresented in the life sciences, who have the potential to become leaders in academic research.