Marie Norman, PhD

Director of Online Learning
Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical and Translational Science
Director, Innovative Design for Education and Assessment (IDEA) Lab
University of Pittsburgh
Administrative Assistant: Karin Dillon,
Dr. Marie Norman is the director of the Innovative Design for Education and Assessment (IDEA) Lab at the institute for Clinical Research Education (ICRE), where she is Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical and Translational Science. As director of the IDEA Lab, Dr. Norman leads the ICRE’s online and technology-enhanced educational initiatives. Her team, which includes a video producer, two instructional designers, and an assessment expert, has extensive expertise in building hybrid and online courses and programs, producing high-quality video (including motion graphics animation), and integrating innovative technologies into education and training. To date, they have produced four fully online training programs, a wide variety of online and flipped courses, and a number of self-paced interactive online modules. Dr. Norman has expertise in adult learning theory (she is co-author of the book How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching) as well as in educational technology and multi-media design. Before coming to the ICRE, she served as Senior Director for Educational Excellence at Acatar, (an educational technology start-up company), Director of Intercultural Education at iCarnegie Global Learning, and Associate Director of the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence at Carnegie Mellon University. She has 26 years of experience teaching in higher education, 14 years working in faculty development, 8 years in online learning, and 4 years in the business world..