Jeydith Gutierrez, MD, MPH

Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine-General Internal Medicine
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Department of Internal Medicine
Director, Telehospitalist Service - Iowa City VA Medical Center
Jeydith Gutierrez, MD, MPH, is a Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and Iowa City VA Medical Center in Iowa City, Iowa. She received her medical degree from the Central University of Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela), completed her internal medicine residency at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Gutierrez joined the University of Iowa as Faculty in 2015 and the Iowa City VAMC in 2016. She is the Telehospitalist Director at the IC VAMC and has received funding from the Veterans Affairs Office of Rural Health and VISN 23 to develop and expand a Telehospitalist service Nationwide to support rural VA hospitals. Her research focuses on implementation science, and the use of technology to advance healthcare access and quality of care. She has a research line on improving the management of alcohol use disorder in hospitalized, advancing telehealth and others related to health equity. She is an accomplished clinician educator and has developed a Telehealth curriculum for residents and medical students, she co-directs the Fellows and Faculty as Clinician Educator Program, has multiple peer-reviewed publications, completed the JGIM editorial fellowship and now serves as associated editor for the Journal of General Internal Medicine. In 2023 she assumed the role of Vice-Chair for Diversity Equity and Inclusion for the Department of Internal Medicine