The ICRE maintains relationships with our trainees long after graduation. The Office of Lifelong Learning provides continued educational benefits, mentoring, and information about grant opportunities to alumni of our degree programs and research training programs. It also offers alumni the opportunity to gain access to past and current course materials such as video-casts of lectures, and to take advantage of networking opportunities with other alumni and faculty. Membership is free and available to alumni of the ICRE.

In addition, the office publishes a semiannual newsletter to keep alumni abreast of ICRE events, notable activities of current and former students or trainees, and developments in clinical and translational science. Newsletters are distributed to current and alumni students and trainees, as well as ICRE faculty and staff.
To access the alumni portal, please click here. You will be able to update your profile and CV, access the ICRE Alumni Directory, and view course video archives.