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September 1, 2022

TL1 Program Receives Administrative Supplement for Programming to Improve Racial Equity Consciousness Training

To conduct interdisciplinary research that equitably improves the health of individuals and the public, it is critical to provide the next generation of leaders in clinical and translational research (CTR) with the knowledge and skills necessary to address systemic racism. The behavioral and social sciences provide valuable frameworks and approaches through which the CTR community may cultivate a shared antiracist consciousness regarding racial equity.

Drs. Radomski, Rubio, Yates and Kraemer applied for and received a supplement from the NIH to fund efforts to adapt, integrate, and evaluate a program to improve racial equity consciousness as it relates to CTR in the TL1 pre- and postdoctoral career development curriculum. Plans are underway for programing: 1) To incorporate racial equity consciousness training into the career development curriculum of the TL1 fellows; 2) To integrate the concepts of racial equity consciousness and equity design thinking in the early conceptualization of the TL1 fellows’ research impact; and 3) To evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of the racial equity consciousness training as it relates to CTR.

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