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August 18, 2021

LEADS Wins 2021 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award

The Institute for Clinical Research Education’s Leading Emerging and Diverse Scholars to Success (LEADS) program has won a 2021 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the largest and oldest diversity and inclusion publication in higher education. The Inspiring Programs in STEM Award honors colleges and universities that encourage and assist students from underrepresented groups to enter the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The ICRE, along with 78 other recipients, is featured in the September 2021 issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity.

Winners of the award were selected based on their efforts to inspire and encourage a new generation of young people to consider careers in STEM through mentoring, teaching, research, and successful programs and initiatives. LEADS was chosen as one of the winners because it is an innovative program in translational research designed to meet the unique needs of junior faculty and postdocs at partnering Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) who belong to underrepresented groups, as defined by the National Institutes of Health. Over the last five years, LEADS has trained 70 diverse scholars from 12 institutions; these scholars have published a total of 132 articles and secured 46 grants. LEADS is funded by an R25 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and was awarded another five years of funding in July 2021.

"We know that many STEM programs are not always recognized for their success, dedication, and mentorship for underrepresented students," says Lenore Pearlstein, owner and publisher of INSIGHT Into Diversity. "We want to honor the schools and organizations that have created programs that inspire and encourage young people who may currently be in or are interested in a future career in STEM. We are proud to honor these programs as role models to other institutions of higher education and beyond."

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