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The ICRE is committed to upholding our teaching mission by ensuring that diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are pervasive throughout our curriculum. As a way to ensure transparency and accountability, we will state our intentions for improvement or change, provide information about the actions we are taking, and publish the results of those actions here.


As of the end of the Fall 2022 semester, ICRE students have consistently agreed or strongly agreed that ICRE instructors showed respect for cultural and personal differences across all students (Figure 1). Our instructors have exceeded 90% on this metric since AY 2021, our base year.

Respect for Cultural and personal differences chart

Figure 1: A bar chart shows the percentage of ICRE students who agreed or strongly agreed that their instructor(s) showed respect for cultural and personal differences. The results were: Fall 2020: 95% (baseline); Spring 2021: 97%; Summer 2021: 98%; Fall 2021: 99%; Spring 2022: 97%; Summer 2022: 96%; Fall 2022: 95%.

Similarly, ICRE students agreed or strongly agreed that ICRE instructors worked to incorporate learning materials that are inclusive of racial, gender, ethnic and/or other differences (Figure 2). Our instructors have strongly exceeded 90% on this metric since the 2021 spring semester, which indicates an increasing level of awareness and implementation of course materials that incorporate learning materials that are inclusive of racial, gender, ethnic and/or other differences.

inclusivity chart

Figure 2: A bar chart shows the percentage of ICRE students who agreed or strongly agreed that their instructors worked to incorporate learning materials that are inclusive of racial, gender, ethnic and/or other differences. The results were: Fall 2020: 85% (baseline); Spring 2021: 91%; Summer 2021: 94%; Fall 2021: 97%; Spring 2022: 93%; Summer 2022: 94%; Fall 2022: 98%.


Time to Act: A Rubric-Based Approach to Self-Assessment
In 2022, the ICRE undertook a self-assessment to gauge its current position as a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive (JEDI) institute and to create a plan to guide improvements. Read our manuscript in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science.

What We Did
We assembled a task force to create and apply a rubric to identify short- and long-term JEDI goals, assess the current state of JEDI at our Institute, and make recommendations for immediate action. To ensure deep buy-in, we gathered input from diverse members of our academic community, who served on targeted subcommittees.


Adapt the rubric.


Apply the rubric to determine the ICRE’s current level of JEDI development in each rubric dimension along a continuum of Emerging Developing Transforming.


Recommend components that the ICRE should focus on to improve its institutionalization of JEDI.


Report the findings to ICRE leadership and create a plan for implementation.

After applying the rubric and determining the ICRE’s level of JEDI institutionalization, the task force produced a total of 13 suggested focus items. (Table 1.)

Table 1. Task Force-recommended focus items. An asterisk indicates items chosen for immediate action.
Return on Investment (ROI) LevelFocus Items
Lowest ROI (low impact, high difficulty)
  • Encourage faculty to integrate JEDI into their course objectives, lecture content, assignments, activities, discussions, etc.
  • Encourage staff to support and advocate for JEDI in their work
  • Identify ways to actively engage with alumni from diverse backgrounds
Strategic (high impact, high difficulty)
  • Create an official strategic plan for advancing JEDI*
  • Implement an ongoing, systematic effort to assess JEDI efforts
  • Ask faculty to conduct a JEDI audit of their courses and instructional materials
  • Develop a formal definition of student success that includes JEDI
Low-Hanging Fruit (low impact, low difficulty)
  • Promote JEDI workshops and other training opportunities to students*
  • Expect ICRE faculty leaders to model JEDI involvement
  • Encourage faculty to support and advocate for JEDI in their work
  • Encourage staff to attend JEDI training and provide paid time off to do so*
Highest ROI (high impact, low difficulty)
  • Develop ICRE-wide definitions for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion*
  • Ensure ICRE administrative leadership operationalizes its commitment to JEDI

Representatives of the task force presented its full report to ICRE Director Dr. Rubio and recommended that she choose two or three specific action items and create a timeline to achieve them. Dr. Rubio chose four items and she and the task force collaboratively developed an approach and a timeline for implementation. (Table 2.)

Table 2. Item name, implementation approach, and timeline of chosen focus items.
Matrix ItemImplementation ApproachTimeline
Disseminate opportunities to learn about JEDI workshops and other training opportunities to our students Dissemination through the ICRE Student e-newsletter December 8, 2022, thereafter the second Thursday of every month
Encourage all staff to extend JEDI training to include evidence of intersectionality and provide paid time off to do so Dissemination training opportunities via email as they are identified. Starting October 21, 2022 and continuing indefinitely
Develop ICRE-wide definitions for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion Linked to established University definitions on ICRE website October 21, 2022
Create an official strategic plan for advancing JEDI in the ICRE Write strategic plan; provide to ICRE Diversity Committee for approval. January 2023 and will be complete in October 2023

Dr. Rubio also accepted the task force’s recommendation that ICRE leadership

  • Choose two or three focal components from the matrix each fiscal year,
  • Create a plan and timeline to achieve them,
  • Publish these plans on the ICRE web site to provide transparency and to allow the community at large to hold the ICRE accountable for progress, and
  • Reapply the rubric in 18 months (April 2024) to evaluate continuing progress. Read the Task Force Report.

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